Registrants Chapbook Series
Each of the three chapbooks in the Registrants Chapbook Series has an original cover design based off of its contents. The volumes feature pieces written by college writers in different genres: poetic "Insights", a nonfiction reflection of "Adventures in Culinary Science", and the fantasy fiction piece "A Mutual Friend".
The purpose of the series is to promote creative literature and allow a platform for college students to share their experiences and ideas through writing, regardless of program or major.

Full Digital Chapbooks
Promotional Posters
The advertising for this series would largely be word-of-mouth, but to start some of those conversations are posters that would be hung in libraries, schools, coffee shops, or out on the street. The QR code leads to a digital copy of the chapbook in case reader's can't get their hands on a physical copy.

Social Media Presence
The main headquarters of Registrants would be online, using social media platforms to announce book drops, new issues, and be a space for readers and writers to interact.